April 2011

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all involved with my website/launch/projects.

Special thanks to:

…….. My family for their love, patience and inspiration

…….. Kirk Stacey for his unrelenting help and support

…….. Joanne Hall for her guidance

…….. Michael Neil for his ‘Marvellous Thought Provoking’ words and self belief

…….. To all my friends ‘you know who you are’ without whom my beach would not be complete

…….. To those who I have been very fortunate to write for and with – THANK YOU



Finally my website is up and running!

For those of you who know me – feel free to noodle around – for those who are new – take your time to wander through the site. 

 Add a comment, contact me or generally just read, digest and hopefully hire me, follow me, find me an agent, approve of or just plain like my work and ideas – whatever your vice ‘happy reading’.

I will be promoting on FACEBOOK and other areas in the next few days,  adding and changing to my projects and updating my blog.

Please feel free to stop by and post your comments, I really do appreciate and value ALL

~  if you take the time to write I take the time to read ~

x X x